Monday, November 30, 2020

Welcome Warning

Welcome to K-Pop Catharsis! A space on the web where I, along with a fellow MD/Kpopper, will be posting about our favorite artists/groups as well as some opinions about releases/news, and other K-pop stuff in general. I have been thinking about doing this project for quite some time, but never really got around to starting it due to time constraints. I have long wanted to have a little space to post exclusively about my growing K-Pop interest, and the time feels ripe to just wade right in.

We do not claim to be experts in the genre, and opinions are solely the author's. Dissenting opinions in the comments leading to friendly intelligent discourse are welcome, but like we stated in the description above, We don't have time for hate and bullying here, and insults will not be tolerated, so kindly take your juvenile antics elsewhere if you don't like what is posted. We have no obligation to prove ourselves right and prove you wrong, so we're not about to take any homework assignments from you just to satisfy your pitiful need to seem superior even though you are not.

All that being said, please enjoy the blog, and if you don't, well, too bad.


* I just realized that there are a number of other blogs/accounts on different platforms/SocMed named Kpop Catharsis. This is in no way affiliated to those, and We have no intention of stealing away their established fanbases/followers. So if you're here by accident, just click the BACK button on your browser and search again for your faves. I won't take it personally. No hatred here.😇

- B. Oppa

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